Friday, March 13, 2009


Hello all, I apologize for the long post drought. I hope that you mananged to find wildly amusing entertainment elsewhere for the past two weeks. Nothing too mindblowing has happened over here but I'll share a few things. I've taken a few day trips, to the Hague and Delft. The Parliament buildings and embassies made the Hague a worthwhile stop plus being a fairly large metropolitan city, was a nice change of pace to being in Leiden. Delft is another university town that is comparable in size to Leiden but I would say is a little nicer. There was a three-day costume party that was just ending when we were there so throughout the city there were students with smeared face paint, stumbling around, mumbling incoherent Dutch (more incoherent than normal). It was kind of like sightseeing during Dawn of the Dead.

Other random notes:
Yesterday, I went to get a much-needed haircut but bailed when I saw the gelled-up mullet atrocity that the "barber" was sporting. Eighties nightclub owner, I do not want to be.
In the last two days, I've snapped a hand brake cable and gotten a flat tire on my bike. I'm praying that thing makes it a few more weeks.
It's much warmer here now with temperatures near 50 during the day. The wind has gotten intense and it still rains alot, but I no longer have to wear layers to bed.
I'm basically finished with classes after today and exams are rapidly approaching. Yikes.

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