If you're asking yourself, is Nick self-absorbed enough to think people would want to spend time reading a blog about his semester abroad, the answer is Yes! Seriously though, typing keeps my fingers warm so let me have this. I have a week to cover so I apologize if this first post is a little lengthy.
I arrived in Amsterdam last Sunday via Dublin and took a train to Leiden, about a 20 minute ride. The first noteworthy event happened about 30 seconds into my trip. As my bag was going through the x-ray machine at OIA, I noticed the tsa guy motion for another to come look at the screen. I thought, oh good, Richard Reid is behind me in line. Nope, the guy asked
me to step aside to look through my bag. "Are there any bullets in your bag, sir?" After I cleared my throat of my heart, I remembered that the answer to that question is...yep. Well sort of. Sam and I had gone to the shooting range awhile back and I had kept a handful of used shells as red state souveniers of sorts. After forgetting about them, they now resided in the side pocket of my carry-on. I managed to explain my situation as visions of cavity searches raced through my mind and the guy let me go. The one good thing that came out of that mess was that my red face allowed me to fit in with the Irish people on the flight. (not offensive, I'm part-Irish)
Now in Leiden, my humble (very humble) abode is in Rijnsburg, about 4 miles from Leiden. I bought a used bike to make the trip, enjoying the tropical Dutch climate along the way. It's usually between 38-43, rains about every other day, all day, and winds can gust up to 30-40 mph. The weather supposedly improves at some point, at least thats what I tell myself when I'm wiping away snot-cicles and getting passed by girls on their way to school.
I ran into a Dutch woman on my way home the other day but it was definitely her fault. I was slowing down to let her pass but she stopped then stepped right in front of me, looking the other way. I swerved to miss her but clipped her with my arm. Before I could apologize, her male companion started screaming at me and kicked my bike (an obvious never-played-sports kick, i judged him). Another guy tried to hold him back and I managed to escape. It was a really light hit and there was nothing I could do, so I didn't really feel bad although now I'm super cautious as to avoid anymore Dutch Chas Henry wannabes. (Gators punter for the non-nerds)
My roommate, Anna, is from Greece, and her friend, Sophia, moves in on Tuesday. Her english is good although she gives me confused looks every now and then (not unlike American girls). That being said, she's very nice and has taken me out a few times to meet people and see the city. Orientation is Thursday and classes start next week so I'll probably have more stories for those interested.
Other notes: Skype is a godsend as are websites that stream live US tv. I'll be up until sunrise watching the Steelers on Sunday but hopefully it will be worth it.
Well thanks for reading, and if you feel like shooting me an e-mail, please do so. I havent met an American yet and any interaction with the homeland is much appreciated.

My house, originally built on Pangea

My room

A typical street along a canal

One of several windmills around town